- terms of use
Use conditions
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- Commercial use against arrangement with email
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- The permission takes place via registration with They commit themselves to
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are held by you in the case of changes on the current in each case conditions.
- They commit themselves with the use of kommunikativer services not to offend in particular
against valid legislation.
- They guarantee in particular that contents spread by you do not hurt rights third, and no,
racistic, pornografischen, religiose in particular, obszoenen, insulting to be spread.
- The linking of into frames is not permitted.
- Admission in data bases forbids
- Dissociation from correctness of the data offers kommunikative services, which make it for you possible to publish as well as
spread information about their company to you. The responsibility for contents, which publish and
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- Dissociation from contents of set left
If of these Website to InterNet sides one refers, which will operate from third, the IRANINDUSTRY.DE
does not take responsibility for their contents.